500 bathroom ideas : elegant & dreamy spaces

ชื่อผู้แต่ง :  King, Barbara

ปีที่พิมพ์ :  2014

เลขเรียกหนังสือ : 747.78 K52F

From a lotus-shaped, hand-hammered brass basin and eco-friendly showerhead to fluted faucets, hand-loomed linen towels, classic Moroccan tiles, and a charming little tub-side table, these exquisite touches create a beautiful bathroom! House Beautiful presents 500 decorating ideas in a lavish volume filled with stunning designer rooms and expert advice. With sections on color, walls and floors, storage, appliances, sinks and tubs, windows and lighting, and accessories, it’s the perfect book—whether you want a quick and easy change or a complete remodel.